Permanent Fixed teeth in 3 days with Basal Dental Implants

Permanent Fixed teeth in 3 days with Basal Dental Implants

Basal Dental Implants India Review | Permanent Fixed Teeth in 3 Days | Dr Bharat Agravat Ahmedabad

With their advanced Swiss Technology and Dr Agravat 18 years of clinical experience he has almost standardized rehabilitation of edentulous jaws at his center. Most benefits of Swiss Technology is......
* No Suture
* Flap less implants
* No sinus lift
* No bone graft
* No Pain

Basal Dental implants have a high success rate for patients who are:
* Cigarette or Bidi Smokers
* Less height of jaw bone
*  Gum disease like severe pyorrhea

Day 1 : Tooth or teeth are extracted if requiered and the implant will be placed under local anaesthesia during the same surgical visit. The procedure will take around 1 to 2 hours and Measurements/Impressions will be taken for the implants on the same day. A fixed acrylic bridge is fabricated on the same day of surgery.
Day 2 : Coping trial for zirconia or Metal trial for PFM will be checked for proper fitting.
Day 3 : Permanent Teeth fixed. Bite Equilibration will be check and correct.
We have in house dental lab facility and our highly skilled technicians will be able to deliver the crowns or bridges within estimated time .
The timeline for Permanent fixed teeth in 3 days is thus completed within one trip.

FAQS related to fixed teeth 3 days by immediate loading basal implants

Q: Who Is A Candidate for permanent teeth in 3 days procedure

* Missing or removed Anterior front teeth.
* Missing or removed Posterior back teeth.
* Teeth that are badly decayed and cannot be saved by root canal treatment.
* Loose ill fit or Uncomfortable dentures
* Mobile teeth due to bone loss.
* Pyorrhea leading to severe mobility of teeth

Q : How long do immediate loading basal implants last?

A : These basal dental implants are special purpose invent to last for life. Maintain oral hygiene and yearly check up is necessary for long life.

Q : How painful are immediate loading basal implants?
A : Generally basal dental implant procedures is painless due to No Suture, Flap less implants, No sinus lift, No bone graft required.

Normally, local anaesthesia or Intravenous sedation (IV sedation) is an option that allows for dental implant procedures to be performed while you are under the influence of a sedative drug administered via an injection. It is called “sleep dentistry”

Most patients report that implants involve less pain than a tooth extraction.

After the dental implant surgery, medicine will be prescribed to combat any pain

Q : How do I care for immediate loading basal implants after surgery?

A : Healing is fast an infection-free In the early post-operative phase.

Maintain the oral hygiene like after surgery and followed instructions like swallow saliva don’t spit that day. After half or one hour take water,  ice-cream and milk shake. After two hours take dinner or lunch but cold not hot.

After implant surgery the next day you can start your routine life  and take medicine regularly.

Once the healing is complete, the implant supported fix tooth requires thorough and regular care.

The success of the fixed teeth in 3 days procedure depends very much on the personal responsibility of the customer.

Yearly dental check-ups are required for long lasting.

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